I will show you
how to create the life you
always dreamed of living!

You Absolutely Can Have It All!

Begin your journey right now, it’s free (actually, it’s PRICELESS)!

How’s your journey going?

Are you making progress?  Are you living your dream yet?

Many people are still struggling to figure it out.  If this sounds familiar, I can help you.  It’s easier than you think.

The problem is, there’s a lot of information out there and it is easy to get lost in the process.  Then you wonder why it’s not working for you.  In spite of all the work you may have done…

If I Can Do It…

Hi.  My name is Scott Gilbert and I am here to document my journey with the Law of Attraction.  In essence, now that I understand the rules of the universe, I am applying these truths and techniques that I am learning.  As of this writing (day 1), there are no visitors to this website.

(Update: It’s November 14, 2018 and this site is now 6 months young. I have been getting a steady flow of increasing traffic, and I want to thank you for being here. I appreciate you!)

I am writing and recording my experiences for my own use, so I have a journal for my referral, yet I am writing in a way that teaches and shares this great wisdom.  So, by being here, you benefit too.  Welcome to my world!

As I learn, and more importantly, believe and implement this great wisdom, I find it increasingly more important to remember what I am doing, so I can continue to benefit from these incredible universal truths.  I find myself repeating that which I wish to remember out loud throughout my day – every day.  That’s right, I find myself repeating this wisdom as if I am teaching it… in the shower, as I walk… everywhere!  If there is no one around, I speak out loud even when I am in a public space.  I am so grateful that I am receiving, applying, and benefiting from this incredible information… what a delicious journey it is!

And This Website Was Born!
DOB: 5/13/18


Now you know why this website exists, and why I write in the style that I do.  With no initial visitors, I’d like to further explain why I am writing to you as if you are here right now (which you are).  You see, I expect people (that’s you) who need this information to find this website as a result of the very law of attraction which I speak of.  In other words, you are here reading this because you are attracting this information.  How cool is that?

I will continue to add information and content as I feel compelled to do so.  That can be in the form of written blog posts, audio podcasts, or even videos.  If there is something that you wish to discuss regarding the law of attraction, please ask.

Come take this journey with me.  I am developing a strong relationship with the law of attraction through my continuous and relentless quest for answers about this incredible universe and why we are here.  Playing by the laws of the universe can alter the course of your life forever!  Join me on this journey by subscribing to stay in the loop.

No need to wait any longer, Join me right now!

Let’s get this show on the road!

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