Jealousy is a strong, negative emotion. That means it has strong attraction power, attracting something you do not want. Pushing past jealousy and getting into alignment is vital to attracting your desire. Press the play icon above.
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Show Notes
Here is an outline of what you can expect from this podcast episode. Listen to the podcast if you can, as I go into more detail which will help you.
Pushing Past Jealousy
- Today’s episode focuses on the emotion of jealousy
- Jealousy is a powerful, negative emotion
- Emotions are indicators of our point of attraction (what we vibrate and attract)
- When you feel jealousy, you are resisting your desire, keeping it from coming to you
- Because jealousy is a strong emotion, the attraction power (of the lack of your desire) is strong
- It is super important to tend to your thoughts so you can change your point of attraction
- This episode came from a question asked by a listener
- These “show notes” do not follow the podcast directly, where I go deeper into how the laws of the universe related to feelings like jealousy, and how to work on the changes of thought that lead to pushing past jealousy
- Also, I do not read (all of) the following email dialogue in the podcast… I am providing it here to help you understand how to push past jealousy if you do not have the time to listen to the recording
- Note: To protect her identity, I am not publishing her name
- Also note that some of the copy may be paraphrased and segmented with, quotes, ellipses, commas, and other separators for clarity
- Here is the original email I received:
Quick question.
This is a quick question but it may not have a quick answer. I am totally new to this. I have heard about it all my life but now at 50 am finally researching and applying.
Question.. How do I deal with the negative feelings of jealousy?
When I see people around me getting what I am trying to manifest for myself. I try to be happy for them.
Thanks for any insight. Really learning from and enjoying your podcasts!
- This was my reply:
Hi S.!
Thanks for reaching out to me, and thanks for listening to my podcasts!
I have been aware of the law of attraction my whole life (but didn’t call it that) and only recently (after 50!) began to understand how much control I actually have. I used to think that I can “call upon” it if I chose to, but now I know that the law of attraction is ALWAYS ON. So it pays to pay attention to your thoughts!
Anyway, to your question…
The simple answer of how to deal with negative feelings is to change what you think about. Simple isn’t always easy, at least not until you begin to master the process (and you will).
You see, a feeling is an “indicator” of what you are attracting. Jealousy is a negative feeling, so that means you are attracting something that you do not want. Don’t get mad at the feeling… it’s just an indicator. If the gas gauge in your car was nearing empty, you don’t get mad at your car… it’s just an indicator of how much fuel you have left. Your solution is to do something about it (go to the gas station and get fuel).
With your feelings, you should be thankful that you have the indicator! Yes, that’s a good thing, even if you don’t like what it indicates. It tells you that you need to do something about your point of attraction. Any negative emotion is an indicator that you are attracting something that you do not want. A positive emotion indicates that you are attracting something you do want.
And so you want to focus your thoughts on things that make you feel good when you think about them… the things you want to manifest for yourself.
Don’t try to “be happy for them” (those people who have what you want). That can never work because your attention to them only makes you realize what you do not have, and then because you are feeling lack (hence attracting lack), you are feeling the negative emotion that lets you know you are not in alignment with yourself (your desire).
Instead, focus on what it would feel like to have what you desire. The law of attraction responds to your vibration, whether it is real or imagined. Right now you have got to dream, imagine, and find joy in that. I know this is work, but that’s what has to be done. Once you are manifesting and living your desire, it becomes easy to maintain because you are living it (so you don’t need to work on imagining it). We, as humans, tend to focus on what is happening now, and therefore most people continue to attract what they already have (usually what they don’t want). You must focus on what you desire! Don’t be afraid to dream!
I am planning to record a podcast episode in the coming week. Perhaps if you provide me with more detail, I can create a podcast around it.
- I then received another response from her
- Here it is:
Hello again Scott
Thank you so much for the email. I have been the proverbial “hamster on the wheel” my entire life, [and] it seems never getting ahead, or having what I feel like I should have. I live in Minnesota and we are coming out of the worst winter of my life. Financially, it has been a beast for us. I am tired of being on this hamster wheel and have decided to get off and run on my own for a while.
Anyway, the issue has been this jealousy… I grew up in a Christian household and coveting and jealousy are sins, so when I feel this way I feel bad… just like you said in your email.
I have people in my life that were not here in Minnesota when it was -65 F, they were on a cruise and had the most fun sending pictures and gloating. I was here in Minnesota worrying about having enough propane to heat my house and my water freezing up. That’s when the jealousy started. I thought that if I told myself that I should feel happy for them, I could turn it to a positive thought… but now after reading your email and listening to more of your podcasts what I really need to do is… tell myself that this feeling is not serving any purpose in my life and I don’t need to think about that and start thinking of my own vacation!
You cant imagine (or maybe you can) what a change this has made in my life. My 18 yr old son is noticing how much of a happier and calmer person I am becoming. I want to share all of this with everyone!
I have much more to learn and I thank you for you podcasts and the references for the books to read and listen to!
- The breakthrough above, was when she realized that the feeling (of jealousy) was not serving any purpose for her
- It’s also awesome to see her son notice the difference
- The only thing I’d like to add here for everyone reading, is that learning to focus on thoughts that feel good takes work and practice… it may not happen right away. It is important to realize this so you do not get discouraged. When you have spent your whole life thinking about problems and things that bother you, it is first going to take an awareness to recognize (via emotions) when your thoughts are not serving you. Stick with it, you will get there.
- Feel free to ask me questions! I am here for YOU!
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- Thank you for listening! I appreciate you!