Have you made plans for the law of attraction only to find that things are not going as planned? Wonder why, or what you are doing wrong? In this episode we dive deep into this and what to do to fix it. Press the play icon above.
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Show Notes
Here is a brief outline of what you can expect from this podcast episode. Please listen to the podcast for a clear understanding so you can get the most from it.
Why Aren’t Things Going As Planned?
- Welcome to the Think Blissful blog and podcast, where we simplify the law of attraction!
- I received an email from a listener titled “when things don’t go the way you imagined”
- In the last episode (TB43), we talked about visualization but the context was very different from today’s inquiry about things going as imagined
- Before we get started, just note that I’m not providing a proper transcription of this podcast here in the show notes, so please listen
- Once again I am recording in quarantine without my studio equipment because I’m still over 1,000 miles from home, so please bear with me as the recording quality may not be ideal
- Please note that I separated the letter into paragraphs and made some edits for clarity but I have not changed the meaning of her letter.
- Here is her letter…
When things don’t go the way you imagined
Hello! I’ve just recently been listening to your podcast. I knew about to law of attraction before, but I felt like I needed to refresh on this because for some reason everything is not going as planned.
There’s this promotion at work that I really felt I was going to get and everyone around me (also) knew that I was going to be chosen. And then all of a sudden, when they announced it, it wasn’t me – and it (turned out to be) someone (that) I, and everyone else, didn’t expect. I was so devastated and embarrassed at the same time.
I can easily switch my goals or views when something like this happens. I tried so hard right away to use this situation to go another route for my career; a higher goal.
So now I’m working on this new goal and the main step is to pass an entrance test. I took it the other day and I was devastated again because I didn’t do well, even though I spent every day for the last month studying for it. I will take it again next month but I can only take it 3x in a lifetime.
So because I already used (up) my first one, I am paranoid that I might not do well again the second time, and that I won’t be able to meet my goal next month and (that it) would probably take years before I can reach that goal… if I can’t pass everything next month.
A lot of people know about my goal since I had to reach out to them to complete my package for this goal. Not sure if you understand what I am talking about, but I’m active duty military and I’m on the enlisted side. To become an officer I have to finish my degree. I’m on my last class this month and I have to pass the test I was talking about.
Everything else was working good and the people I reached out to agreed to help me, but then this test is all me, and I can’t seem to pass it. I really want to reach this goal because I don’t want to leave where I am right now (in) the same rank as when I got here 🙁 It feels like I didn’t accomplish anything with my 3 years here if that’s the case.
I am trying to imagine the paper and the score that I want to get next time I take it, and it’s clear that I can see it, but this happened with the promotion as well. So I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong. I was literally able to see them announcing my promotion and I could feel it at that time, but it didn’t happen so I’m not sure what I have to do for my next goal which is to past the entrance for officer in the military.
I’m so sorry if I am all over the place… I just need help right now. Please don’t use my name if you happen to use my story. Thank you so much you are awesome. Please continue helping people with your blog and podcasts.
– [name withheld]
- Again, please listen to the podcast for the complete discussion
Questions, Comments?
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- Stay safe