This ThinkBlissful podcast episode is about presenting a new way of understanding your point of attraction. The law of attraction brings you what you think about. I share a new perspective on how the law of attraction gets those thoughts from you, so you can be better prepared to delver the thoughts you want to manifest. You don’t want to miss this!
Show Notes
Here is an outline of what you can expect from this podcast episode. Listen to the podcast if you can, as I go into more detail which you will find beneficial.
Understanding Your Point Of Attraction
- I am going to explain, like has never been attempted before, how you attract from the point of attraction
- First let’s understand that the point of attraction is the now moment by which the law of attraction attracts from… we are always attracting in the now (you have heard me say that many times because it is super important to get)
- I’m going to give you a different perspective that will hopefully provide a new level of understanding
- This new perspective will make it easier for you to apply this principle for success
How are you paying attention to your thoughts?
- As we learn to apply the law of attraction, we often pay attention to our thoughts at a certain point during the day
- Perhaps it is while you are listening to this podcast, or right afterwards
- Perhaps you are dedicating a predetermined amount of time every day to work on this
- While it’s great that you are working on this, I’d like to point out that it’s all the other times in between that may be having a greater influence on what the law of attraction is producing in your life
- Lets take a close look
What’s the story you are telling?
- What do you talk about with your spouse when you get home?
- What do you talk about with your friends?
- What do you talk about with yourself?
- These stories that you tell of “what is” and “what happened” can be your worst enemy because you are attracting other events and circumstances that are a vibrational match
- Remember, what you predominantly think about is what your life becomes
Here’s the new perspective I’d like to share
- You already know that you manifest in the now
- This means that what you are thinking about now is drawing similar vibrations together, which will eventually manifest in your experience
- I want you to think about your manifesting like you are a radio beacon transmitting a signal (your thoughts) at every moment
- You are a broadcasting station
- Pretend you have an audience of people who listen to your broadcast
- These people follow you based on what you are broadcasting
- If you think about it this way, you are going to pay attention to what you are broadcasting all the time – or risk losing your audience
- You must serve your audience by giving them what they came for… it’s the reason they listen to you
- If you start talking about something else, something your audience has no interest in, you will lose them and your broadcast will not be successful
Your point of attraction works exactly the same way!
- Your thoughts are the content of your broadcast
- The law of attraction is the radio station
- Your manifestation is the audience
- Get it?
- You are always broadcasting and the universe is always bringing that to you
- Pay attention to your broadcast – or risk losing your desired manifestations
- Here’s a different perspective
- You are a broadcasting station
- You are always in the right now, broadcasting your current thoughts as your current point of attraction
- The law of attraction brings you like thoughts, events, and circumstances
- What you think about grows
- Don’t let your point of attraction happen by default
- Guide your thoughts!
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- TB 60: Accelerate Law Of Attraction Results - February 29, 2024
- TB 59: Understanding Manifestation - February 28, 2023
- TB 58: How To Use The Law Of Attraction For Love - October 31, 2022