In this episode, we examine the fundamentals of the law of attraction, which include vibration, alignment, universal law, and how you relate from both a spiritual and physical perspective. This is essential for putting the pieces together so you can understand the broader picture. Press the play icon above.
If you have a question, leave a comment below and let’s get it answered. If you found this episode helpful, please help out by sharing it. It would mean a great deal to me. Thank you.
Show Notes
Here is an outline of what you can expect from this podcast episode. Listen to the podcast if you can, as we go into more detail which will help you.
Questions & Answers About The Law Of Attraction
- Hey everybody, welcome back to another episode of the Think Blissful podcast!
- Today’s episode answers several questions about the law of attraction that are key to your understanding and manifesting.
- In this episode, I touch on the essentials for deliberate manifesting. That makes is a great episode whether this is your first time here or if you seek clarity on how the pieces fit together.
- These questions are asked by a listener but I delve deep to provide context.
- Before I get into that, I’d like to say a few quick words.
A Few Quick Words
- Thank you for you questions and comments… I truly enjoy sharing this knowledge and I get great satisfaction when you find benefit and results from my unique way of sharing and explaining
- As I build out this blog and podcast, I look for more effective ways to address your questions. Ideally, I’d like to record podcast episodes more often. It takes a great deal of time to prepare for each episode and I look forward to building a team to help me so I can focus on answering your questions.
- The same holds true for the email I receive. It takes less time than producing a podcast, yet I still put my full attention and effort to addressing your questions.
- If I have not responded to your email yet, just hang tight… I will. I respond to every email I receive.
- I’d like to remind you that the information I share does not come from me… it’s information that I have learned and continue to learn from many great people, books, workshops, and presentations. This information not mine, but it is timeless, and I have my own unique way of presenting it to you.
- I am on this journey, just like you… and I am learning every single day
- I recently discovered that it is my purpose in life to bring this to you, and to help you find joy and happiness, and the fulfillment of your every desire. I feel blessed to be on this journey along side of you
Let’s Get To Today’s Episode
- I am realizing based on questions I get from many people, that we are all in a different place in our understanding of the law of attraction and how laws of the universe work. It takes time, practice, and effort to make a change… but it all first starts with understanding.
- I’ve been having a dialogue with a listener via email and the latest email asked several questions that I feel are better answered verbally and I decided to make this episode.
- There are great questions here that I am going to answer and bring clarity to. And so I‘d like to thank this listener for her questions, not just these but all that we have been working on.
- To give you context, her initial question was about how to manifest a specific person into her life.
- I’m going to read you her latest email. I’ll provide additional context as we go along. First I’m going to read the whole, and then I’ll address each part.
- Let’s do it…
Questions about the law of attraction
Hi Scott,
I waited two weeks like you said, and I have a few questions.
What types of vibrations are there? Are there only positive and negative ones? Or is there more too it than that?
I see the words ‘vibration’ and ‘alignment’ a lot when reading up on the law of attraction and I’m still not sure what it exactly means. Is it just the mood / vibe that you give off? If that’s what it is, then I’m quite confident in saying that the vibration I’m emitting is strong, as I’ve been trying a lot harder recently at putting myself in a positive state of mind.
Also, do you have any tips on how to overcome resistance? I feel that somewhere inside of me there is this resistance that I’m unaware of, especially as I do tend to hold onto things / memories and have a hard time letting thoughts go.
When you say ‘think about your desire’, would that be ( in my case ) thinking about my specific person alone, or instead visualising a scene where I’m with my specific person? I tend to subconsciously think about my specific person alone, but never really do I think about me WITH them. Is that a setback / block to my manifestation?
I think I’m struggling at the ‘visualising’. I’m very good at day dreaming. I day dream a lot, and I let my thoughts just run wild a lot of the time. But when it comes to visualising a specific scene in my head, that’s where I get distracted and find it hard to focus. I think it’s because it’s never happened in my physical reality, so it’s not like a memory where I can just look back and reminisce on it. Is that also a setback? If so, how do I make the scene in my head so clear that it actually feels like a memory? How do I focus more on the visualising?
Thanks so much for your time.
- I then go into each question she asks to provide context and clarity.
- My detail is far too much to provide here (or I wouldn’t ever get this published).
- Listen to the episode and let me know if you have any questions or if anything is not clear.
- It is super important that you understand these fundamentals in order to manifest deliberately.
- This episode brings the pieces together helping you to understand the broader picture.
Questions, Comments?
- Thanks for all your questions.
- If you have questions or comments, post them below or contact me using the contact form
- Please share this podcast.
- I appreciate you, thank you for listening!
- TB 60: Accelerate Law Of Attraction Results - February 29, 2024
- TB 59: Understanding Manifestation - February 28, 2023
- TB 58: How To Use The Law Of Attraction For Love - October 31, 2022