The law of attraction always brings you that which is in harmony with your vibration, even when you are not aware of it. A listener asks how the law of attraction affects a relationship when one partner does not believe in it. This episode digs into this common circumstance, explores the truths, and reveals ways you can manage and control your outcome.
Show Notes
Here is an outline of what you can expect from this podcast episode. Listen to the podcast if you can, as I go into more detail which will help you.
Law of Attraction: My Partner Does Not Believe In It
- As we learn about the law of attraction, and learn to apply it, we begin to harness great power that was always there waiting for us
- But what happens if you are in a relationship where your partner does not believe in it?
- Does it matter? If so, how should it be handled?
- I received a letter from Oksana, a listener who has been learning to apply the law of attraction in her life. Her partner does not believe in it, and she wants to know what to do about. It.
- In the live podcast, I read the letter (below) and go into detail regarding each paragraph, thought, comment, and question.
- Please note that the letter below has been slightly edited for clarity only… no meanings or intentions have been altered.
- Let’s do it…
Question on law of attraction and have a partner that doesn’t believe in it
Hi Scott,
Your podcasts have been a tremendous help in clarifying (the) law of attraction in such a unique and simple way! I have had a lot of “aahhhaa” moments just listening to your podcast.
I just started to get into law of attraction and I am up and down on this. One day I will be so positive and the next I am down again. I don’t know if it has to do with my partner not believing in it or not. I want to be stronger in (the) law of attraction and pursue it to the fullest so I can change my life and get what I want, but my partner whom I see and interact with everyday, is not so positive and optimistic as I am.
I can feel how this changes my mood and brings me back down to “square one” and I have to start over. For example: I really want a home (we are in apartments now) and I keep speaking out loud how amazing it will be when we get our home next year (I am believing in that with all my heart) and he shuts down my optimism with “realism” knowing it would be a hard thing to accomplish in his eyes.
My question to you is: Will I be able to manifest my desires having a partner that is influential in a negative way in my life daily? Does he have to believe as well in my dreams since we are “one” and we would be getting the home “together”? Or would I need to separate from him and focus on my own desires. I would LOVE for him to be with me in my journey of a better life.
Thank you for all your help. You can use my name in the podcast, I don’t mind.
- It’s much better to listen to the podcast, but I will try to sum it up here anyway. (you can listen to the podcast by pressing the play button above)
- Summary points…
- Ups and downs are normal for learning to apply the law of attraction (just like anything else). Repetition is the key for being able to gain deliberate control of your results. After all, you cannot expect to be a great musician without repetitive practice either. This applies to everything, so keep going and don’t get discouraged.
- The above part has nothing to do with your partner, however his influence can affect your outcome. His vibration is not in harmony with yours (on the subject), and it is your choice to allow that influence. I know that statement may be hard to accept.
- It is best not to have these conversations with him. Your results will speak for itself.
- You can always manifest your desires, regardless of your partners point of view. However, it requires that you stay in alignment with yourself and that you avoid (or block out) his negative vibrations of influence.
- He does not have to believe as well… he creates his own life. Ideally, your positive energy will influence him into a better place whereby he will seek to learn as well.
- You can manifest anything you want. However, you cannot control the thoughts and manifestations of another, and therefore manifesting what you want out of other people is not possible (but can be influenced). The law of attraction will instead bring you another person that is in alignment. I get that may not be what you want to hear, but the result will be amazing.
- I am all for relationships working, so I am not suggesting that you part ways. I suggest that you get into alignment, and let the universe handle the details. You will either be brought together or drawn apart based on your respective vibrations.
- As long as you are in alignment, the end result will be good (remember, you attract what you think about / vibrate, whether you want it or not).
- Listen to the podcast for a better understanding.
Questions, Comments?
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- I appreciate that you are listening!
- TB 60: Accelerate Law Of Attraction Results - February 29, 2024
- TB 59: Understanding Manifestation - February 28, 2023
- TB 58: How To Use The Law Of Attraction For Love - October 31, 2022